


The allotments on Botley Road, Curdridge are for the use of existing residents of the Civil Parish of Curdridge only, which consists of the villages of Curdridge and Curbridge. This is in accordance with the Lease signed between the Parish Council (Landowners) and the Allotment Association.

If residents with allotment tenancies move away from the parish the allotment tenancy may not be renewed; however allotment holders are entitled to retain the allotment between Lady Day and Michaelmas in accordance with their current tenancy agreement, due to planted crops and their harvesting. The allotment then becomes available to the next resident of the parish on the waiting list. Under the EU funding regulations allotments may be made available to individuals in neighbouring parishes (on an 'at risk basis') only if there are no parish residents on the waiting list or having expressed an interest in an allotment.

For all allotment enquiries please contact Jeremy Shottin, Chairman, Curdridge and Curbridge Allotment Association, on 07825 046987, or e-mail

The Curdridge Allotment project was partly financed by the European Agriculture Fund for European Development 2007 - 2013: Europe investing in rural areas (

The certificate of funding is available to view here.

Support was received from and the project was delivered through the Fieldfare Local Action Group.

EU Fund